Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Internalization of Media Ideal

  • Internalization of media ideal is when a, “…individual cognitively accepts the thin societal standard of attractiveness as her own personal standard and engages in behaviors designed to help herself meet that standard (Harrison, 2005).
  • The pressure to conform to the idea and internalization of the media ideal has been found to directly predict female preadolescents and adolescents’ body dissatisfaction (Knauss, 2008).
  •    The sexualization of girls in the media has negative consequences like eating disorders, depressed mood, low self-esteem and body dissatisfaction (Knauss, 2008).
  • A interview with 67 adolescent girls showed that media messages created the most pressure on them to be thin (McCabe, Ricciardelli and Ridge, 2006).
  • Looking at ones own body and comparing it to a more unrealistic body ideal results in the relationship between body dissatisfaction and body surveillance in girls (Knauss, 2008).

  • 75% of "normal" weight women think they are overweight and 90% of them overestimate their body size (HealthyPlace, 2008).
The following link is also from the educational film, Killing Us Softly 4, that talks about how young girls are who are getting the message that they have to achieve this look that is "impossibly beautiful". Girls seem to be fine when they are younger, but once they reach adolescents they feel like they have to be physically perfect.

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