Friday, April 29, 2011

Dove Movement for Self Esteem

  • Goal: The goal of the Dove Movement for Self Esteem is to help aid in building young girls self esteem. They also want to help in aiding girls to have a positive relationship with beauty because there is so much pressure on young girls to be beautiful nowadays (Dove Movement for Self Esteem, 2010).
On their website, they also have a section that allows women to share what they wish they knew when they were 13 years old and it allows girls who look at the Dove website to look at some of the things that other women wish someone would have told them and then learn from it themselves. 
Other messages women wrote
The following commercial is for the Dove Movement for Self Esteem. It shows the various types of the media and feminized images that are displayed to younger girls pretty much anywhere they go. The commercial emphasizes parental awareness and how they should talk to their daughters before letting the media do the talking for them.

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